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  • ksmarekk


By now everyone probably knows that bad news is good news to sell. Most of our up to date information is about something that happened or is about to happen somewhere in the world. And it is not a surprise that this thing that "happened" is not something happy. I even noticed that my controversial blogs got the biggest hits. I'm not complaining about that, but rather making an observation. So we can say that we live in the world where we are facing a race for the most horrible and depressing news.

It is good moment to ask ourselves why we are afraid of good news, something where we could see goodness in this world. When Jesus Christ sent his apostles to preach the Gospel, he asked them to proclaim his word, "Good News of Salvation." Good news is not fake news. It is actually the real news. I personally noticed that all of our bad news is very often exaggerated accident that happened to somebody. Of course among them are real tragedies but they seem to be so small surrounded but all the other "drama."

Sometimes I have the impression that we live in a world where people compete for who has the harder life. People in Africa have to worry if they will have food or water. People in Europe or the USA are worried if their neighbor will have a better car or more expensive vacations. (Just an example).

So what will happen if we reject that bad news and replace it with Good News? And here is the problem. This bad news helps Satan to bring fear and scare people from reality. If something happens to others, it can happen to you. Don't trust, keep others away, do not be honest, look out -- others are talking about you. The Good News works a different way. Trust in God and love others. Do not be afraid; there is nothing you can lose if you are with God. If something happened to others, pray for them.

I am slowly convinced that the current model of news is focused on destroying anything that is good about us. So let us look at the Good News and bring back the hope that was offered to us by the risen Christ.

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