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New Face of our Democracy

I never thought that in my life time I will witness an attempt of association of a president of USA - not our present president but one from the past and maybe in a future. On the other hand I am not surprised. Since 2016 Donald Trump is presented in liberal media as a beast killing our democracy.

Last four years showed what modern democracy is about. People arrested and sentenced for trying to save unborn babies lifer. Jobs given not according to your skills but according to your skin color or gender preference. Businesses closed because of riots and permissible stilling. Children indoctrinated in gender agenda by some of the schools without the parents permission. Movies targeting traditional families. I can go on and on and on. One percent dictates 99 percent what to do. We shouldn’t be surprised.

Many people gave up their freedom long time ago in the name of convenience and comfort of life. It is something what had happened in the Ancient Greece and Rome. Comforting life is the biggest threat to democracy because it gives power into the hands of few for the peace of mind of many. In time those few are growing in the power and finally democracy turns into a tyranny. We are just one step away from it.

We should pray for wisdom. We should pray for brave people. We should pray for not being afraid to defend the right things.

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Aug 10

I am late in reading your latest message Father Marek but I want to join all who have commented in saying: God Bless you, Father, I am encouraged by the courage of Christians who are working to bring God’s word to our suffering country. We must keep telling the TRUTH like you do!


Jul 14

Amen Father and great comments from others. I am reminded continuously of the Blessed Mother’s words: PRAY PRAY PRAY


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I have no regrets becoming an American. I believe that we are not sentenced to fail. We just have to bring God back to our communities.

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