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  • ksmarekk

Back again

It has been over two months since I last wrote on my blog. So much has happened since then that I do not know where to start. To avoid confusion, I will share a few things with you.

First, some universities have noticed that DEI (diversion, equity, inclusion) doesn't work. Even more, they stop funding it. Surprise, the intellectual pantheon couldn't see this for a few years, but the moment it hit the packet of the collage, they could recognize the mistake. Everything is done in the name of science, so those colleges needed some science to see how fool they were. But I think there is another reason that nobody wants to talk about. Many of our famous colleges are sponsored by China or other foreign organizations. As we come closer to the election, those colleges are getting scared. What if Trump wins? Will he go after them? I don't know, but it seems to me that all progressive educational institutions are panicking. So, just in case, change the policy now and be safe. For some reason, all progressive institutions are always afraid of something or someone.

We didn't have to wait long to see the fruits of the Pope's letter about the blessing of gay marriage (it is not a marriage; we can call it a partnership). One priest in Chicago has already publicly blessed same-sex couples. Of course, it was done in the name of love, inclusion, and other reasons that we hear about in the media. I wonder why those progressives cannot do anything in the name of God. I read the Word of God, and it never told me to embrace anything that was a sin. Instead, I was told not to go with sinners but to turn away from the one who is acting against God. Maybe I have a different Bible.

Enough complaining. There is a beautiful thing coming. The Eucharistic revival is just a month away. This is probably the most important event of this year. The Church in the USA will again gather to praise Jesus Christ's presence in the Eucharist. Maybe, finally, we will be able to get rid of the Masses that are entirely focused on people and, at the same time, are so disrespectful to our Lord. I called a Walmart Mass. It is cheap, meaningless, and spiritually empty. It is like Chinese stuff from Walmart. This revival is essential to lay people and even more critical to priests. We are directly responsible for how we celebrate the Mass, venerate the Altar, and kneel before the Blessed Sacrament. We give an example of being in the presence of a real God. This truth is sometimes overwhelming. God is in front of us not because we are exceptional but because he wants to be with His creation.

And finally, last thought. The solemnity of Corpus Christi is coming. I hope that many parishes will walk with the Blessed Sacrament around the towns this year. This is a great testimony. We want to have God present in every place of our life.

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8 comentários

24 de jun.

Oh, Father Marek......I have to share this with you in regard to the Eucharistic Revival / Pilgrimage.

We live near Houston and Galveston is about 2 hours drive. The Juan Diego Route began in Brownsville and on June 2, our Cardinal Daniel DiNardo prosessed with our Eucharistic Lord from St. Mary's Church to the Sacred Heart Church, about one mile apart. It was hot and humid, but exciting to be a part, even in such a small way, of such a wonderful outward demonstration of our love for our Eucharistic Lord. It is my firm belief that this Eucharistic Pilgrimage that spans across our country in every direction will bring many graces and blessings to our country.


24 de jun.

Dear Father Marek, we are so blessed to share in your wonderful insights.

By the way, a couple of months ago my husband Brooke and I had the opportunity to meet with Bishop Strickland. Bishop Strickland celebrated Holy Mass (in a country club) and then was available for visiting.

He is such a likable and humble priest who spoke passionately about our Lord and His Church.

Absolutely no trace of animosity . If he is pleasing to our Lord, what else really matters?

But, for us a great loss.

I have been wondering what happens to our "cancelled" priests and bishops? Once a priest, always a priest.....but without a parish and flock of his own? I know order priests …


03 de jun.

You are very much missed by so many here. We pray for you often and we always enjoy your blog with your straight forward and honest take on what's happening in the world and in the church. We especially like your comment about Walmart Masses.

Both of your plants have bloomed, one just a small short lived blooms and this one. I thought you would like to see it.

Many Blessings to you and the soldiers that are trying to help, they are lucky to have access to your wisdom and calm demeanor.


28 de mai.

Greetings from Mazatlán…🌞🏖️ The perfect spot for a Solar Max 😂.

I have worked with Fr. Chance. He is very solid and will continue the good work you have done.


28 de mai.

So good to hear from you! I miss your posts and wish you happy anniversary 29 years! The things coming from Rome are a puzzle! Our new priest, Father Chance, is quite inspiring. We are having a Corpus Christi procession and may God continue to bless you on your new journey.

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