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New Face of our Democracy

I never thought that in my life time I will witness an attempt of association of a president of USA - not our present president but one...

Back again

It has been over two months since I last wrote on my blog. So much has happened since then that I do not know where to start. To avoid...

The crisis of Academia

I believe the number of people finishing college is still pretty high. Almost any tiny piece of our life needs a college degree. Every...

God is needed

When you watch our media, you can get the impression that God is no longer needed. Almost everything is not just godless but rather...

Long time

It has been a long time since I wrote something. For me, it was a very intense time. Between online courses and counseling, I got lost in...

I am back

I am finally done with the OTS. Back in Vegas, back in the base. Since I wrote last time, many different things happened. Our pope...

Prop and Wings

I finally moved to a mod 4. It is going to be more practical, challenging different time. More to learn. My aches and pains are almost...

I passed the test

Great news. I passed the test with no problem. Thank you for your prayers. It is amazing how many people supported me on this journey. I...


As you know, tomorrow morning 8:00am Eastern time I will have my test. Personally I am prepared but if those questions are going to so...

Light in darkness

I have been learning how to become a warrior-minded leader for the last few weeks. It sounds very confusing, and it is confusing. I, a...

Everyday grace

Sometimes, when we are focus so much on daily obstacles, we can get lost in a world of complaints. We see easily what we miss, what...


Today my head is exploding. After yesterday's and today's hours and hours of study I had to take a break. It gave me an opportunity to...

Extra work

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I passed my second test with no problem, but because my first did not go so well I have to repeat two...

Another test

Tomorrow I will have another test. I pray for getting enough points to move to the next level. But just recently I descoverd that there...

Little bit of rest

I have finally little bit of rest. Today, after morning exercises I spent my time studying, making myself ready for next test. This is a...

Not there yet

Just an update. I did not pass the test. To move forward I will have to have 100% on another test. It can happen. Keep praying. I believe...

Almost two weeks

Hello to everyone. May the grace of God be upon you. It is almost two weeks of my Officers School. It was a challenge, but the same time...

Time to go to school

This is it. This is the time when I have to go to the school - different school, a military school. I have a lot of questions and doubts...

I am finally there.

It is almost a week since I am officially a chaplain of the US Air Force. It is an amazing gift and privilege to be part of this service....

Whom should we blame?

It is now kind of stylish to blame other people for our faults and failures. The kids blame the parents, the parents blame the...

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