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  • ksmarekk

The crisis of Academia

I believe the number of people finishing college is still pretty high. Almost any tiny piece of our life needs a college degree. Every aspect of our daily life seems to require a degree that often leaves a student with debt and a completely useless piece of paper. So, it would be a good idea to determine why and who is forcing this quasi-education. I know plenty of people without degrees who are so good at what they do. They can fix a car, build a house, or make a website and they never finished college.

Our modern academia has lost its identity. It became a business that is not focused on finding the truth but rather on obtaining funds to create a pretty good source of income. Many modern scholars surround themselves with like-minded people, and feed each other with the same ideas. They promote them as a new modern dogma based not on research but on personal likes and dislikes. They quote each other in their academic papers, never allowing somebody who disagrees with them to enter. Maybe it is a reason why they never show the source of their information when asked.

My first question is why it happens. I believe there are a few factors we have to look at. First, education became a business looking for significant revenue. The source of income doesn't matter. This desire for "big dollars." opens the door to dirty money. It is no longer about facts and truth but rather about presenting the results of the faults so that people will believe they are correct. This is mainly related to liberal arts. Gender, equity, equality, and other recent ideas do not have any empirical proof that can be used as a source of information. Recent studies have shown that those ideas are built on premises without support in any field of study. I recently watched an interview with Roland Fryer from Harvard University. His research was done on the crime and Police response in black and white communities. In conclusion, he said there is no evidence of racism in law enforcement. Unfortunately, his research was rejected because it didn't feed into the narrative promoted by the Woke Universities. It became a rule that you will be punished if you cannot serve the agenda. The reason behind it is straightforward. By creating false data and accepting it as a rule, they make a new road of official lies. The latest generation will learn it as a "new truth" to follow.

My second question is, "Who is doing this?" Some people want to create chaos to build their fortunes on social conflict. Corrupt academia is very useful today but will be kicked out tomorrow because the work is not needed anymore. Marxism already saw social conflict as a source of controlling people and giving privileges to the elite. Sadly, the students are so blind that they cannot see themselves as enslaved people. They are saving planned spending parents' money; they fight for Palestine without looking at the history; they would like to shut down CO2 emissions without looking at the data. Yes, they became slaves of agendas.

Real academia cannot take a political position. It is not in its position to decide which political party has the truth. Real academia is a place where different ideas come together, and various points of view are examined. The objective truth is the outcome of many other researches. Agreeing and disagreeing is not a matter of likes and dislikes but of facts. Until academia will accept it again, we cannot trust it anymore.

By the way there are so many young students that do not fall into this type of academia.

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