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  • ksmarekk

Not there yet

Just an update. I did not pass the test. To move forward I will have to have 100% on another test. It can happen. Keep praying. I believe God already is answering your prayers.

On the other hand, this experience taught me already a lot. I can understand now some challenges military personnel is facing. Every day I am asking myself why God sent me here and every day I am getting the same answer: because I have to serve people and help them. Life in the parish was much easier, the work needed to be done for our soldiers is hard and requires more effort and love.

St. Paul said that we can do everything in the One who gives us strength. So I am going to make it through. With your prayers and God's help I will be able to bring the light of God's presence to our Airman. May God bless us all.

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