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  • ksmarekk


As you know, tomorrow morning 8:00am Eastern time I will have my test. Personally I am prepared but if those questions are going to so confusing as last time then it is going to be very interesting.

But this afternoon I spent bit of my time meditating on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I was listening to the radio when some people were praying saying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. There was one thing that striked me so much. The Heart of Jesus represents the fullness of love and the deepest desire to bring us to the Father. I was touched how all attributes of love of God are the source of mercy that God gives us. Everything comes from and goes to this overflowing love that doesn't know end. The biggest test I have to go through is not about how much I know, but about how much I share the love of God. I will go to sleep tonight with one big question. How am I prepared to take the love of God and give it to every person I meet.

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