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  • ksmarekk

Prop and Wings

Updated: Mar 11

I finally moved to a mod 4. It is going to be more practical, challenging different time. More to learn.

My aches and pains are almost gone. My age is catching up with physical expectations. If I can do it then all other classmates can do it too.

I also have more time to pray and meditate. This is a great moment giving rest to my soul. I believe all of you had moments when you we starving for a peace within. The beauty of being with our Savior gives extra energy to everything I do.

This year my Advent is different . It is very fast, intense, and chaotic. It is a good experience. It teaches me how often we have to make a lot of effort to slow down just for few minutes, take a breath, look up at the sky and rest in God. There is not much of Christmas spirit around me, but it doesn't mean that I cannot find this Advent as a path to it. I am thankful to God for this experience. When I come home for Christmas break, I will truly embrace the myster of incarceration of God. It is going to be one of the deepest spiritual gifts of Advent.

I encourage you to give yourself a little bit of time to rest in God, to experience His love and mercy. It will make you ready to enter the Christmas time with a new spirit.

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