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  • ksmarekk

Light in darkness

I have been learning how to become a warrior-minded leader for the last few weeks. It sounds very confusing, and it is confusing. I, a chaplain, learned about war. Don't worry, I am not going to fight. I try to learn how to help those who are exposed to violence. My entire effort goes to understanding the tension and conflicts happening in the life of a soldier.

This was and always will be the biggest challenge for a person: to defend others facing the reality of killing. I am listening to our lectures, what my classmates are saying, and what comes through during our discussion, and I see darkness. Yes, they have families, children, and jobs, but what about the happiness of being a human being, a child of God? I do not see this in them. It looks like something is missing or something was taken away from them.

I am not surprised that many of them have a drug or alcohol problem. Something has to fill this empty spot in the heart. Unfortunately, they try to do it by numbness or competition based on who is more a man.

A few weeks ago, I asked you to pray for them. They need your help. They need a light in this dark reality of violence. They are very vulnerable. Every day, I say my prayers and try to bring a little bit of this light. Maybe one day, they will see something more significant and something holy.

Many of them are Catholics, but they left the Church a long time ago, believing in themselves. Interestingly, non-Catholics ask questions, look for prayers, and want to talk. I am not discouraged. I see more clearly what my task is and what I must focus on. If God asked me to do that, He would give me enough grace to fulfill His will. He will touch many people to pray for this mission.

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