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  • ksmarekk

Time to go to school

This is it. This is the time when I have to go to the school - different school, a military school. I have a lot of questions and doubts in me. Will I make it? will I be able to keep up with young brains learning much faster then I do? All those things are in the hands of God.

There is going to be a challenge. For 60 days I will be nobody, following orders. When God called me to do it, it sounded pretty easy, but last events on the Middle East changed everything. We are in a very dangerous moments of the history. Religious and political aspects are mixed with the need of power. This combination never ends well. In the past, a war itself was something that happened far away, not next to me. But last few years are different. First was Ukraine, now Middle East. The madness of an evil is spreading its wings.

Our world is divided. Everything is polarized. We see this in our towns, collages, workplaces, etc. Interesting enough, this is a fruit of all international policies trying to make a paradise on earth. Human beings blinded by their pride, created hell on Earth. The powerful governments, international institutions, gigantic Foundations, created themselves as modern saviors, but they brought chaos, suffering and many other pejorative elements. I am not saying that they didn't do anything good. I am saying, that most of the modern problems come as fruit of the pride of leaders. But the most important to remember is, that in the moment we removed God from the public space, we gave ourselves to Satan.

People commits sins. Each one of us has to ask God for forgiveness before we go to sleep. But in our time sin became a norm and a virtue is a sign of wrongdoing, lack of tolerance. When we replace virtues by sins then we create hell for ourselves. There is a reason for God's commandments. There is a reason why they say "You shall not ....". Because if you will do, then you will bering suffering upon yourselves.

I think the entire world has to go back to school, to the God's school. We have to learn again about the importance of God's law. This law was given to us out of God's love. So let put tolerance on a side. Let's love people the same way as Jesus loved us. We have to belong back the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

I am not sure I will be able to write anything for next 60 days, but if I will a chance, I will share with you my experience. And I have one favor to ask. Pray for me, for the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I need so much. Everything has to eb done for the glory of God.

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