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  • ksmarekk

Another test

Tomorrow I will have another test. I pray for getting enough points to move to the next level. But just recently I descoverd that there is much bigger test I am going through. It is a test reflecting how much I trust God.

I have some plans. I would like to buy an apartment where I grew up, to have a place to stay in when I am in Poland. I would like to save enough for my retirement. I would like to be able to help people serving in the Air Force. I have more plans but this is not a point. How much I trust God that my plans actually are working with His plans? I am asking myself this question not because I have a doubt. I am asking it, because I have to let God in into my life to fill it to the very top. Trusting God is not about my plans. It is about His plans and His presence in everything I do. These last few weeks taught me, that through sacrifices, challenging moments and giving up myself I can gloryfie God. I went through a lot of physical pain coused by the exercises, it was hard to keep up with young people, but with the grace of God I was able to do it. I hope that by this effort I praised our Lord, keeping positive attitude and supporting others. In Him everything is possible.

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