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  • ksmarekk

A Different America

There is hope. There is a lot of hope. Yesterday, I finished a retreat that I gave for the Knights of Columbus. On my way back home I stopped with a few of the Knights at the bar/restaurant called Wide Open Saloon on Santa Fe Rd./Hey 85. What I saw there gave me the impression that there is a different America having nothing in common with the one shown on TV News. I saw people young and old, Black, White, Asian, Latino. All of them sitting together, chatting, laughing, having a good time. I couldn't believe it. What happened to white privilege, racism, violence, riots? They were not there. I wonder why?

Maybe I should ask a different question. Why would someone want to divide this community, this country? There is one thing about the USA that other countries do not have. Almost everybody here in some way is an immigrant. If not the first generation then somewhere down the genealogical tree there was an immigrant. All those people came here with hope for a new life. Was it a better life? We do not know; not everybody can be a winner. But it definitely was a new life. This hope among the immigrants created a new society - a community of hope.

It is this hope that makes some people mad and very much against this country. Hope never dies so there is no way to break people from here.

I was sitting at the table when somebody called all of us to stand up. Everybody was on their feet to sing the National Anthem.

So there is a different America, very simple, very great, where people are together loving each other as they used to do it before. And this is the real America. Not politically correct, not involved in dirty political games. This is the America of people that love this country. Black, White, Asian, Latino, the America of people that respect each other.

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