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  • ksmarekk

A Lie

We know that many people cover the stories with lies. They always try to do so to cover their own faults. But what if a lie is planned and executed with the purpose to destroy someone's life?

The last few days I attended our diocesan leadership meeting. One of the topics was focused on the modern problem - pornography and masturbation. Both of them are one of the biggest problems of our society. Both of them break marriages, destroy personal lives, make one unable to build any relationship, cause rape, promiscuous behaviors, etc. How did we get to this point?

Here is a story of a lie. You probably have heard about a huge push on sexual education. It is not just from the last few years but it has been going for some time already. The idea was to prepare teens to be responsible in a sexual life where sex will be part of daily life with no procreation. In time, together with a growing push of different sexual behaviors our educational leaders decided that they have to give more to the children. They encouraged them to experiment with their sexuality. Entire theories were created to prove how important sex is in the life of 12 or 13 year olds. There is even a Monty Python short movie making sarcastic comments about it. All sexual programs were prepared to help children and teenagers to understand their sexuality, at least this was what was told to the public. But there was a lie hidden behind it. They knew that broken sexuality would lead to a horrible, dysfunctional life. It would destroy marriages, families. It would bring so much confusion that people would lose their own identity. Unfortunately no one was talking about it. The only one who saw this trap was the Catholic Church. St. John Paul II in his theology of the body, explained the right way of looking at our sexuality.

This long process of "sexual education" and easy access to social media enforced this lie about the human body and as a consequence created a few generations of people addicted to pornography and masturbation but the same are unable to know the true meaning of love. I remember watching a long time ago one of the episodes of "Friends" where Monica told her husband that she got some porn for him. What looked like a comedy became a reality for many people.

The small lie implemented long time ago in the name of helping young people created suffering people. This small lie imprisoned so many people and ruined their lives. I believe if 30 years ago somebody asked them: would you like to learn about your sexuality and become a wounded person, nobody would accept it, but a small lie was enough to cover the truth.

Today we can ask ourselves a question. How many more small lies were given to people for the last thirty years?

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