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  • ksmarekk

A Little Bit Too Late

I just have seen that Twitter closed the accounts of Antifa. Interesting. When they were destroying downtowns of big cities a few months ago, Twitter didn't do anything. It was enough to change a president and apparently now they are not allowed to speak up. For some reason the same hate promoted by Antifa six months ago now is not accepted anymore. There is probably more to it because just in the last two weeks so many people closed accounts on Twitter. We have a different president so Antifa is not needed anymore.

Let's leave this and look at something much more important. One of the very important elements of the healthy country is freedom of religion. This means that each one of us has the right to believe in God and worship Him. I recently found out that Hillsdale Collage offers free courses about the Constitution and Religious Freedom.

I think it is time that we educate ourselves more using this opportunity. The last few years taught us that ignorance is our biggest enemy. We have to know where we came from and where we are going. At the same time I will be offering classes about Catholic dogmas in our church on Wednesdays at noon. Everybody is welcome to come. Don't worry, it will be available online too. I encourage you to come because it will give you an opportunity to ask a question. We will begin on Wednesday, February 3rd.

It is a little bit too late to change the last few months, but we have to work on the future. Knowing your faith, beliefs, history, your foundations will make for a better future. Talk about it to your children, have discussions at your dinner table. The time is now so do not miss it.

I do not know about you, but the last few weeks gave me a lot of energy and more is coming. Probably in 18 months Antifa will be back, just before the next election to the Congress. Big tech will again play their game of mind control, but we will not be afraid anymore. Our knowledge will be our power. Our faith will be our strength. Our Constitution will be the way. And above all, our God will be with us again as He always is.

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