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  • ksmarekk

And Snow Came

There is no winter without the snow. There is no spirit of deep winter without the fireplace with nice flames. I was lucky because both of them happened in Woodland Park. It was sowing and I had a fire in the fireplace. It was real winter. Unfortunately it didn't last long, but then something is better than nothing.

There is something about snow when the winter comes. The entire surroundings seem to be clean. This white color makes everything new, even the most dirty places. It is like the face of the Earth is renewed. All the dirt of our daily life for a moment is gone, covered just to give us a hope that something new will come. I know that many people do not like cold air and ice on the road. That's how life is; some people are happy, while others complain. In any case winter still gives us a hope for something new.

I think this year we need a lot of hope. After all the COVID restrictions, election confusion, tensions between people about race and rights, this winter will have to move us to something completely new. When the snow is gone, when the snow gets stronger, life will come back. It is up to us how we are going embrace it. We can sit and cry about the past or we can think how to make a better future. I hope that pretty soon everybody will be able to come back to the church to celebrate the Holy Mass. I hope that we learned something about ourselves and will think more seriously about others. I hope we will be able to make the right choices based on universal truth, not on somebody's agenda.

So when you see snow coming think about the dirt that is going to be gone and about something new that will come to life. It is up to you what will be in you when spring comes.

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