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  • ksmarekk

Animal Farm

I think we should go back to this book and look at it again. After a few years of making everybody equal we get to the point that this word means something completely different than what we'd expect.

The IRS Denis tax exemption to Texas Religious Group because prayer, Bible reading boost the Republican Party.

Yes, we are all equal as long as we are liberal. If you try to preserve values coming from your faith, tradition or common sense then you are not equal anymore. I believe in the next few months we are going to see more decisions like that. Probably soon we will have to make a decision whom we are serving. Our life reflects the dilemma of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. I can say that this dilemma is even deeper because it is not just about society, but it reaches into the most important elements of faith, the intimate relationship with God.

We do not have to agree on everything. We do not have to have the same point of view. But we do have to respect each other and treat each other with the equal dignity. Our political views cannot be a reason to get or not to get basic rights. Is this not what our present leaders were saying just a year ago? Apparently, some people are equal and some are more equal. Justice is only for those that follow political correctness.

I hope that this kind of approach will not come to the Church. The last few years show that there is a temptation to remove morals and God's laws from our human decisions.

Today's reading from the Office Hour (Book of Judges 8:22-23, 30-32; 9:1-15, 19-20) is a perfect allegory about where we are. Maybe we should learn from it how to be better and not to repeat the same mistakes.

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