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  • ksmarekk

Better to Hate Than to Forgive

One of my favorite expressions on TV is "you are entitled to substantial compensation." Whatever happened to you and you do not like it you might be able to turn it into a source of your potential income. I am not talking about an accident when something serious happened to somebody. I am rather looking at the way people react to the words and try to get something out of them so that it profits them.

In our time we have a lot of "hate speech". I am always asking myself what that is. Most of the time it refers to somebody who said something that the other person doesn't like. It immediately turns into hate speech. I always think about St. Paul who probably would have been stoned because of his "hate speech" - very famous "You stupid Galatians!" (Gal 3:1)

After listening to so many different hate speeches I came to the conclusion that this entire hate speech is nothing other than different point of view. Of course there are some verbal extremists but those people have so many personal problems. Today's hate speech is a sign of disagreement without a good argument. Here is the example from one of my experiences: every time I get to know someone who lives in non-sacramental marriage, I tell that person that she or he cannot receive Holy Communion because the marriage is not valid and the sin is there. 80% of the responses I get is that I hate them, I offended them. It is interesting that they never say "we have broken the commandment." I am the bad guy with my vicious words - a person with hate speech. The fun part is that they can call me names, use different expressions that I cannot repeat but apparently this is a speech of love.

I learned last decade that this entire hate speech is nothing other than rejecting the truth. If you say the truth, it is hate speech. If you lie and attack somebody saying the truth then it is someone's right to be offended and cry hate speech.

So we have to be ready because in the future whoever is with Christ will be accused of hate speech. Reading the Bible will be the school of hate speech because there is so much truth in it that will require a change how we live life and repent. Most of the time it will make you or somebody else uncomfortable and every time it will happen it is going to be hate speech. But do not be worried. They hated Jesus Christ too; that is why they killed him. When St. Stephen said that he sees Heaven opened the Jews were screaming (Acts 7:56-58). Be faithful and follow the truth. This truth actually will make you free.

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