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  • ksmarekk

Big Brother

It was a long time ago that the first episodes of "Big Brother" gathered entire families in front of the TV. This reality show elicited so many emotions and made the public responsible for the future of the participants in the house of BB. Yes, people could decide what will happen to somebody else by voting. Finally we had a program where the audience made decisions about somebody else's life. But at the same time people didn't notice that having power to decide what would happen to another person, they introduced to society something very dangerous -- the concept that people making decisions about others' lives is acceptable.

Our last two years of public life shows us that our society formed by BB accepted a new form of totalitarianism where BB controls thoughts and emotions of crowd. Mainstream media changing and making up facts perfectly manipulates people and leads them to the point where we the rules of BB become a reality of life.

Our modern totalitarianism is different from the one we know from the Soviet Union or Nazis. Our modern totalitarianism is therapeutic. It comes with compassion and well prepared reason. It helps and heals - at least this is the impression that is in front of it. It uses technology to convince us that the majority is in favor of everything that is progressive. Modern totalitarianism glorifies new and persecutes the past.

So what happened to us that we didn't see it coming? Well, BB prepared our society to this kind of reality. Social media reinforced in many people a desire and need to watch others and vote about their lives. People's needs of having power over others pushed them to the point where people can be canceled and rejected because of their point of view. Cancel Culture is the fruit of totalitarian BB alive by Social Media.

There is worse to come. The same elements came to the life of the Church. The entire movement of "We are the Church" perfectly shows how people want to vote about the morality, teaching of the Church or even about God's commandments. Even the name of this movement shows us that there is no place for Christ.

But the truth is we are the Church of Jesus Christ and this Church belongs to Him and only to Him. None of us can vote about somebody's life and and what the Church believes in. There is no place in the Church for BB ideology. There is no place in our society for the totalitarian approach where we can decide about someone's else's life. Each one of us has to take responsibility to take care of our own life and one day we will have to show God how we took care of it.

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