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  • ksmarekk

Can You Really Walk?

Motion is part of our life. We are moving, our planet is moving, our solar system is moving. It is hard to believe that one day maybe we will not be able to move. But is this actually that far in the future? Let's look at the spiritual life.

There is movement in it. It is leading toward God. I know it seems to be so obvious, but if we look closer at it we can see one obstacle. Our steps to God require us to see Jesus Christ in his fullness. Only then can we move. But what if the vision of Christ that we have is corrupted by wrong teaching from the past, by moral mistakes we've made, by our own ego? Then our journey to God stops, we cannot move, there is no motion that would allow us to come closer.

The last two days we've been calling out all our wrongdoings from the past. We exposed ourselves to the real truth about ourselves. If you did it honestly then now is the time to drop everything that is holding you back, that tied your feet and imprisoned you in a big lie of wrong spiritual ways. This is a difficult moment because you have to address by name the people and things acting against you. Our sin comes to us in many ways. It is always the fruit of our own decisions, but it can be something from outside that pushes us towards sin.

There are people that cause other people to do something wrong. Their actions and words can influence your decision, can tempt you or push you to certain actions. Satan sometimes uses those who blindly follow him and comes to us through them. You've probably met somebody in the past you immediately knew had bad intentions, or was a bad influence. There can be a similar situation with the things that surround us. We can be addicted to them.

The only way to move again is to drop all the anchors. You can do it by telling people that they have to change, that they cannot abuse others, that they have to respect the dignity of other persons, but most of all, you have to tell them to respect your faith. Only then will you be able to take another step.

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