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  • ksmarekk

Catching Up

It's been a long time since I wrote something. Unfortunately, there are many things going on right now between remodeling the rectory and pastoral work that make me very busy. Anyway, it is time to let you know that I am doing great. When we experience periods of overwhelming events and situations it can help us to understand that not everything works around our schedule and things can go completely differently than expected. I am also preparing an explanation that Jesus Christ is not a socialist and socialism is against any religion and mostly against Christianity.

The latest news from France - all teachers will have to treach children that any religion is against science and it has to be rejected. This is exactly what Lenin said: religion is an opium for the people. And we all know what happened after this statement - 80 million people were killed in the name of the new order (communism) in different socialist countries.

And here is another thing that is really showing how mainstream media are in a hurry to let us know what is happening. Riots against the police in Portland caused so many people to suffer and live in fear. Apparently the AG does not see a problem with you getting robbed in your own house. Again, the new order and new tolerance is available to the chosen only.

I love our new "green deal." We will live in a wonderful world with electric cars and clean air. In just the last few months the most progressive European countries who called for saving our planet are facing the reality of all green deals - lack of energy and problems with electricity. So apparently they have to go back and use coal and oil again. The shortage of natural gas showed them the difference between dreams, an ideology, and the reality of life.

And the last thing. We have vacations and summer breaks but there is no break from God. So let's keep ourselves in prayer and a sacramental life. Sunday Mass is still an obligation that actually is a privilege. Daily prayer is a gift of time coming from God so do not cut it down. We only are one if we are with God.

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