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  • ksmarekk

Catchy Title

Here we go. The first thing to do is to create a catchy title. It doesn't have to mean anything as long as it gets people's attention. This brings to my mind the third part of Bridget Jones (It is funny if you lived in the UK). In this movie, there is a discussion about a catchy title: "Is Your Refrigerator Giving You Cancer?" Everything is about the title. Who cares if after it there is no substance if you got their attention?

A few days ago while checking Polish news I found a title: "120,000 People Died in Brazil Because of COVID." They have 212 million people so it is still the same ratio as everywhere else (0.6%) but the percentage number is not catchy.

Unfortunately everything these days is based on catchy titles. We live between those titles. It is almost as if to exist you have to do something catchy and maybe this is the reason that being normal is not attractive anymore. No one will talk about you if your life follows a common path. You have to be different, catchy. I am tempted to say that all these social problems we are dealing with right now happen because everybody wants to be visible, catchy, cool, different. The more different we are then the more same we actually are.

When I was young we used to say when seeing people with a "catchy appearance" that because they don't have much in their head they are caring a lot on their head. And honestly this was very often the case.

But there is nothing wrong with just being as we are meant to be. There is nothing wrong with being a good mother and father and taking care of a child and sharing with him or her values that come from the Bible. There is nothing wrong with being a good worker with a good work ethic and respect for a boss. There is nothing wrong with being a good priest, focusing on the sacraments and proclaiming the Good News of Salvation. There is nothing wrong with saying no to the office party if it is immoral. This world just needs simple people to show all of the "extraordinaries" that the beauty of life comes from simplicity, not from flaunting personal problems.

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