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  • ksmarekk

Center of the Home

I don't know how many people grew up in a truly Catholic environment, but there was one rule in the home. The main place on the wall was reserved for an image of Christ or the Blessed Virgin Mary. When you entered a home, it was the main thing you could see. It was a sign that this house belonged to God.

Perhaps you remember nice pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary. Many bedrooms had images of the Holy Family, wife and husband, showcasing the beauty of their marriage. Children's rooms used to have an image of Baby Jesus or their Guardian Angel. Above the front door was a Cross like a gate welcoming and sending out.

Today it has changed. There are fewer and fewer sacred images in homes. They seem to not be cool. I might see status of Buddha, elephants for luck, and other symbols of prosperity, but not many Catholic religious symbols.

What happened to us? Why we are afraid to keep our faith in the center of our homes? We even lower our church steeples. For me as a foreigner it is interesting that mormons have no problem to have a tower but Catholic churches gave them up.

I used to have one class with the youth where I showed them some traditional churches from different places around the world. They always were impressed with the beauty of the architecture, the art. It really helped to explain to them why we have certain elements in the liturgy. But the biggest surprise for them was to see that even four hundred year old churches still spoke to them. I am afraid that our modern churches will be completely disconnected from the next generation.

I'm talking today about those images in our homes and churches because they expressed our faith and relationship with God. What is in the center of our life directs all our actions, thoughts, decisions. I think maybe if we bring back the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the main place on the wall we will remember to be loving in the same way as he loved us. We will be able again to follow him the best way we can. Those images will keep us focused on the things that really matter.

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