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  • ksmarekk

Cheating Christmas

As many of us know there are plenty of people that do not like the Christian character of Christmas. But then I ask myself--If you do not like Christ why do you celebrate this time? Christmas is definitely related to the faith in the incarnation of the Son of God so if you do not believe in it you should go back to work. It is a holiday for us because of the joy and importance of this incarnation.

When the Muslims celebrate their feast we do not take time off but rather we work the same way as always. For some reason anti-Christians want the time off but without a historical and religious background of this day. It is like cheating. Using faith of others for my own interest.

It always amazes me that the same people who want to be atheists want to have the joy of Christianity. Why would you fight with somebody and at the same time want everything that is offering by this person. I do not claim I should have time off for Hindu or Muslim feast days. I do not believe in them so why should I use them.

I think if you do not believe in God and in his Son you should be honest with yourself and give up the privileges that come from believing in them. It is a kind of honesty with yourself and with the world. But then people only pretend to be honest as long as it works for them. And this is nothing new. Jesus said: "All you need to say is "Yes" if you mean yes, "No" if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the Evil One" (Mt 5:37). This "anything more" comes from the Evil One. So, many people cheat Christmas.

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