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  • ksmarekk


Updated: Jul 25, 2020

My first weekend in Woodland Park is over. It was a wonderful experience of a beauty of the Church. Different people, different place, different customs but the same Church. This is the most wonderful part of being with Jesus Christ in his Church. Wherever we are, whoever is with us, no matter what language they use, we are always one in Him. This is an amazing gift entrusted to us. When we celebrate Holy Mass all differences are gone and unity takes place. When the Holy Body and Precious Blood of Jesus Christ are elevated during consecration, we can experience the grace of salvation poured on us. If our heart is ready then this grace brings fruits in our daily life. It is so simple and at the same time it is so sad that so many people do not know this simple truth. It is very interesting that as a people we are looking for groups, clubs, associations to be with others, to have a sense of belonging to something, but when God comes to us with his presence, it seems to be so hard to unite ourselves with him. Blessed Virgin Mary had the privilege to experience this unity in fullness. Giving birth to the Son of God, she already gave us an example of how blessed this unity is.

This mystery of unity seems to be so overwhelming and at the same time so uplifting. Jesus Christ in his Church makes us a new people. Only He could do it. Our sinful nature was healed by his sacrifice. In all our challenges of life, He asks us to come to him and walk with him because his burden is light. We are not perfect and very often our own actions bring some kind of division in the Church. Those conflicts always have the same root. We want our will in place of others'. But the Church is different. Jesus Christ is inviting us to follow the will of His Father. Yes, this is the way of being one with him.

Probably, in the next few years, all of us will experience how much we have to open ourselves to the grace of God to be in this unity. We will have to forget about what we want and listen more to what God actually wants. This can only be done in the silent presence in front of the Blessed Sacrament. The best way to find His will and be in unity with Him is to kneel if front of Him, present in the Blessed Sacrament.

So, we have to build our communities, parishes, families on the solid rock of our being with Jesus Christ.

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