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  • ksmarekk


Updated: Jul 25, 2020

Ecclesia (Church) - a very forgotten word in Catholic culture but at the same time having such deep meaning. What is Ecclesia? It is a body of faithful people, a holy gathering. And here is the beauty of this "body". Our Holy Church belongs to Jesus Christ and we all are members of this body. Christ is the head and he gives all direction to us through the Holy Spirit.

I used to work in many different places around the world but always for the same Church. A variety of cultures, languages, mentalities, etc. are not separating us, but actually they bring us together and enrich us as one Body of Jesus Christ. How is it possible? The answer is always the same. The Church around the world always has the same focus. It is Jesus Christ. He is the center of everything, everything comes from Him and everything leads to Him, especially in the Eucharist. All our works of charity, kindness, social events etc. can be done in any place and at any time without God. They come from our human desires, culture, personal needs. What makes everything different are the Sacraments that we have in the Church. I always pray for my parish and for all parishioners that they will accept the reality of the Sacraments in their life. Only then can we build healthy and holy communities, reflecting the Church as it is.

I learned that the moment any person places oneself over Christ in his Church, that person has already left the Church and become a person of darkness and influence of evil. If someone's ego is first then it is impossible to expect good fruits from that person. The parable about the vineyard shows us that without Christ we cannot do anything good.

I believe this is one of the biggest weaknesses of the Church in the modern world. We want Christ to serve us, but we do not want to serve Him. By serving Him I mean not feeding the poor or helping others, but honest serving of God any way he desires it from us, being open to His will. Therefore this Holy Church of Jesus Christ is perpetually on her way to repentance and reconciliation, returning to God as prodigal sons and daughters.

That is why I love this Church and in this Church I want to be with God.

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