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  • ksmarekk

Convenient Justice

Just ask yourself how many times you've heard that something is unfair. People always are looking for justice. We actually have a desire for justice. Even small children are looking for justice, although not necessarily aware of that.

I remember when I was teaching at High School my students would complain that something was unjust. But when it turned to work against them this screaming desire of justice didn't appear to be so important.

It is interesting how we like justice when it is working for us and the same time we avoid any confrontation that could work agains us. The sad part is that the same rule applies to the people from the top to the very bottom of our society. We have some politicians fighting for justice and at the same time some breaking the law. We have ordinary people doing exactly the same.

Justice seems to be difficult. It is so natural, but at the same time, so complicated. The reason for this is actually pretty simple. We judge things based on what we see. We never see the entire truth. Very often this truth is compromised by what other people have told us. Even our courts rely only on what is presented there.

The only true justice we can find is in God. He knows everything, all the details. His judgment is right and has no mistakes. Therefore it is so important to be with God and to stay in His grace. Only with his help can we see things as they are and we can really help. I wish that our society would return to the prayer life. This would definitely help to heal those pretend justices. Even more, it would help us to forgive each other. Because justice is not about chasing those that made mistakes, but about showing truth through the mercy.

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