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  • ksmarekk

Courage in Difficult Times

When we walk through our lives we will face many difficult moments. Some of them seem to be overwhelming, others just simple obstacles. In any case, we pray that God will help us to get through those moments. And then when we are almost there things go a completely different way. Did God even hear our prayer?

How do we have courage and perseverance when things that we ask for are not given to us? I have seen so many people depressed after our last election. They prayed, they did other things, and the result is not as they expected. Here is the difficult part. We pray, we fast, we offer novenas because we trust God, that he can help. But all of those prayers have one element that we forget about. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." We pray for something specific, but at the same time we accept the will of God.

It is one of the biggest problems of our prayers --that we want things our way. We made a plan and we want this plan to work. Sometimes we even accuse God for not listening to us. But the truth is that only by listening to God can we find true courage in difficult times. It is because of the trust in God that people were able to survive the most terrible things. It is because of faith and trust that people didn't commit suicide in concentration camps, in the Gulag in Siberia.

This coming Sunday we will celebrate Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe. He is our king and he never forgets about us. So why shouldn't we accept his will?

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