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  • ksmarekk


Updated: Jul 25, 2020

I just finished unpacking some more boxes. It is time to relax. But I couldn't be more wrong. Just when the sun was slowly hiding behind the mountains I saw a perfect explanation of the covenant between God and a man. As a small man standing on the ground I saw the top of our church with a cross, the Cross leading to the top of the summit. And above all of it was a blue sky. Here is the direction of the Covenant. It is rising up, climbing up to the infinity of unknown. And what is in between? I am looking at Golgotha, at the Cross, at the body of Jesus Christ on it and just in this moment I can find an explanation for the meaning of this Covenant. It always lifts us up. Everything that is weak and miserable becomes renewed and elevated. Man, looking at the power and majesty of the mountain, is so small, but Christ makes him more powerful than the highest summit. Hard rock forms gorgeous cliffs and rock formations, but Christ makes us much stronger than rock.

It is a love of God that challenges all of us to make us bigger than just a creation. It is a love of God that invites us to co-create this world in the image of our Savior. In a space between me and God is everything. Therefore I love this space where his grace brings His divinity into my life. It is a holy and blessed space full of His presence. It is his grace that immerses me in the peace of his resurrection.

Oh, blessed be you, Jesus Christ who on the Holy Cross embraced our entire existence and made it new for the greater glory that belongs to your Father. May all creation give you praise and honor. By your Holy Cross you have brought together the things of Heaven and things of earth, and you placed us in between.

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