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  • ksmarekk


Updated: Jul 25, 2020

Here we go. Decisions are something what we have to do and nobody can escape from them. We make them so many times every day. We cannot live without them. From the moment we open our eyes until we close them falling asleep, we have to make decisions. Some of them are good and others not so much, but all of them have something in common and we call it a consequence. In the Gospel according to John (Jn 6:67) Jesus Christ asked his apostles a very important question: "Do you want to go away too?" This is one of the most difficult questions that he asks each one of us. What is our decision? For so many years the Church suffered because of the poor catechesis. Many of our brothers and sisters didn't get good knowledge about Jesus Christ and his Church. It is not their fault, they could only learn what they were taught. But based on this, many people made wrong decisions with good intentions not realizing how far they are from the truth. I am very sorry for them, especially when after discovering the truth they have to change their entire life.

And here comes a question about all consequences following decisions they made. Who is responsible for them? I am asking myself this very question every single time that somebody gets angry with me about the teachings of the Church. In the name of love I have to show the truth even when emotions could whisper to accept wrongdoing. This is probably one of the most difficult elements of being a priest. I could agree with parishioners and have fun but then all of them would be misled and as a consequence they would never meet Jesus Christ. There is also a second choice. I can show them the truth, sometimes very hard and difficult but if they will follow it they will be with God forever. The choice is pretty obvious but very often unpopular. I have to help them to be with God and not pay attention to if they will get mad at me. It has to be done in the name of love. There is a reason why Jesus Christ asked the apostle this very same and hard question "Do you want to go away too?". In that moment they were asked to make a choice: to go with the flow, which means to leave Christ, or to stay and follow Him. They chose the second option, much more difficult, full of challenges, sacrifices, based on deep faith and trust, but the prize they received was more valuable than anything else in this world.

We cannot get discouraged when Jesus asks us this important question. We have to learn to make the right decision. The Holy Spirit is our help if we allow him to be with us. After all, our Savior has the words of everlasting life.

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