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  • ksmarekk

Different but the same

I've just gotten back home from my trip to Poland. It was a very interesting time under the shadow of COVID and social protests after our Constitutional Tribunal decision about the eugenic abortion.

Watching the entire mix of emotions and reactions I came to the conclusion, that there is no difference between some forces of this world. There is no deference between Poland and the USA when it comes to the moral questions.

Exactly the same forces manipulate society by trying to divide people and separate societies. But there is more. It seems that exactly the same forces are dividing the Church. It took me a while to find out that this division has common roots. Our society has a big problem with general education. We specialize so early and so narrowly that when it is time to make important decisions, people follow feelings and neglect reason.

It amazed me when I saw young people protesting in Poland shouting vulgar words. These are the young people that earlier were protesting for understanding and acceptance. It amazed me when I saw people in the Church criticizing everything after the Second Vatican Council and at the same time not being able to follow the basic teaching of the Gospel. Of course these are small groups that very often are lost and believe that by their action they will be able to make a difference.

When Jesus Christ prayed for the unity of the Church he already knew what would happen. He had seen that Satan would divide people. He knew that people would not listen anymore, rather they would only be talking or shouting about their own desires.

But God has to deal with all those emotions on both sides of the barricade. He comes with the same mercy. He sends his rain on the righteous and unrighteous. This is the truth that all of our saint brothers and sisters understood and maybe this is the reason why they are saints. They were able to rise over divisions to bring some goodness.

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