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  • ksmarekk

Do We Really See?

In our world, drowning in information, we can get very easily lost. Between tons of pharmaceutical commercials and legal advertisements and thousands of other tips for a happy life, it is hard to find what is really going on. You turn on the news and the same event is reported in many different ways as if it were not the same event. At the end of the day, we go to sleep not really knowing what happened. We have seen and heard so much that nothing is left in us.

This is one of the problems of our time. To be better informed, to know more and more, to not miss anything important, we waste our life consuming very precise information prepared for us. It is not substantive information, but it is what is being fed to us. After some time, maybe we will stop to see what really happened.

When I was in school, for many years we were taught that the Soviet Union was our closest friend. Without them we were not able to survive. So, during my early childhood I was told to appreciate living in the Communist regime and be thankful for it. Fortunately, we had a lot of people that knew history, literature, art and they were not afraid to talk abut it. The first time I heard the real history of the 2nd World War it was like I just started to see. A completely new world opened up in front of me. Lucky for me there was no internet so nobody could really track what I was reading.

Today it seems to be more difficult. It is much harder to see the truth between all the lies. It is even worse, because under the circumstances we do not know the liar anymore. But don't worry. Maybe what I wrote so far is a bit depressing, but we are not lost in the woods. We have somebody who tells us the truth all the time. It is Jesus Christ. Because the Early Church entirely trusted Him on every level, she was able to grow in every single part of the Roman Empire. Our brothers and sisters from the very beginning were able to see that it is not the world that shows us the way. It is Jesus Christ who is the life, the truth, and the way.

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