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  • ksmarekk

Do We Remember?

How often in your life have you been asked about remembering something from the past? This comes up mostly when we share stories. The fun part is that most of the time the same situation is remembered many different ways. It could be birthday party stories, or weddings, funerals, anniversaries. It doesn't matter what it was and people still will have different stories.

But there are situations that have to be remembered exactly as they happened. We cannot create our own stories about 9/11 or the World War II. We cannot change the story of concentration camps or who wanted to keep slavery. This historical memory is what prevents us from making the same mistakes over again.

I am very lucky because when I was in High School I had to learn the history of Poland, Europe and the World. I learned about the past of the USA and the UK and other countries. Someone could claim that it was just a listing of time but actually it was a time that helped me to understand why some historical facts took directions that were very unexpected.

It is unfortunate that now nobody wants to learn history. I even came to the conclusion that our time will be so easily modified in the future because we are not leaving any written chronicles. Everything is digital so it will be easy to change the facts and narratives. It is possible that in a few years from now words will be changed, persons responsible for events will be justified, and the wrong people will be blamed. And why? Because we will not know history and all our knowledge from the past will come from a compromised and corrupt Google. I am actually interested in in what will be said about COVID-19 fifteen years from now. Probably we would not believe how the facts are going to be changed.

Today I would like to ask you to remember what has panned out in the last few years. I am even tempted to ask you to make your own small diary with some historical facts, so that a few decades from now someone would be able to find out what really happened to us.

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