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  • ksmarekk

Election Day

And here it is, the Election Day. The entire country is exploding with emotions. Tomorrow some people will be happy, some not so much. But despite the results there will always be a few things that we will have to do based on the past.

Over the last few months, I learned a few things about our communities, our relationships, and other elements that make this country different from other places.

The first thing that comes to my mind this evening is kind of a surprise. Many Catholics vote for better social care. I notice that people are able to kill an unborn life but the same time are so worried about their own. Apparently there is a new rule: "my life is more important than yours."

The second thing is acceptance of wrongdoings in the name of political correctness. "Because everybody say it I have to be on the same page even it it is not right." This entire BLM situation from the last few months showed that fear of being bullied by others very often closes people mouths.

The third thing is directly related to the Church. There is a visible division between Catholics in the Church. It almost looks like there is a gap between those that consider themselves progressive and those that are more conservative. This division includes moral values. Manipulation with "a social justice" confused many people and replaced a true understanding of justice and mercy.

There is a fourth thing that seems to be the most horrible. We are witnessing the rewriting of the history. Even the public media, universities, officials are changing or removing important facts from the past. This has happened in the past a few times: in China after Mao took over, in Russia when communists took over, and a few other places.

There are more things that I could talk about but those four seems to be a group of the most important.

If I can give any advice today it would be:

  1. Do not compromise with a lie, an evil, a violence.

  2. Know your history otherwise you will disappear.

  3. Do not sell God and your faith for convenience and laziness.

  4. Do not want what you can get but rush to give to others.

  5. This one is for the parents: teach your children that nothing comes without hard work.

I hope that everybody will have good sleep tonight. Whoever will be our next president you are still responsible for your actions.

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