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  • ksmarekk

Evening With the Sound of Silence

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

It is one of those evenings when everything seems to be calm and quiet. I am looking at the stars and wondering why God has chosen me to do things beyond my power. And I realized that it never was from my own power. In every step of my life it was Him giving me strength to do his will. St. John the Baptist was right saying "I will decrease and He will increase". This is so beautiful to see how God grows in us when we welcome Him in our life. I remember my grandma saying the rosary with her face full of trust. She looked like she was in heaven every time she touched the next bead. She was a holy person living among us small noisy kids. She remembered the 1st and 2nd World Wars and she never complained. I am looking now at our young people never satisfied with anything and wonder what has happened to them. God gives us so many graces every day. We just have to take them and carry them on for the goodness of others. I remember the winter of 1981 in Poland when they closed schools because of the amount of snow we got. My grandma was sitting in a chair sayings her prayers completely unworried about what was about to happen. She wasn’t naive. She had faith that could move mountains. I have learned from her how to believe when everything seems to be upside down. She knew that communism would and we would be able to get our freedom back. She died just a few months before our first free election. I think she knew that it is not about what we can see but what we believe in. Today I am traveling through my life with lessons I learned from her. How lucky I am having had such a great teacher. She didn’t have much but the most precious thing she had - her faith - she shared with me and my siblings. How lucky I am having great people in my life.

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