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  • ksmarekk


In last two weeks I have received a lot of calls from many people asking my opinion about our "best catholic ever" - Joe Biden. Well, what can I say. Actually nothing, I can only pray. And this is probably the best that we can do in this time. I firmly believe that the shift we see right now, the good change towards saving America from the progressive leftist agenda, is happening because of the prayers. Jesus Christ told his apostles that there is a type of evil spirit that can be removed only by prayers and fasting and I know that right now we have so many people doing just that and therefore we see changes.

The first big change is that our Teller county School Board now has more republicans trying to bring back the value of a real education, not indoctrination. I also heard that in Douglas County there is a similar positive change. A conservative candidate won in Virginia. I believe many of you can give more examples how powerful prayers are and maybe it is time to share those stories with others. Just to show people not to give up on prayers.

For many years, I wondered why satan was getting so much power in this world. I think I found an answer to this question. We forgot about a very powerful weapon that is given to us in the Church. It is exorcism. What is it really? It is a command, an order given to a demon in the name of God, to get out from a person, an animal, a place or a thing. Exorcism is fruitful only if a person has a will to reject sin and repent. It is also important that the door to a person's life cannot be left open otherwise a demon will come back and will make that person even worse (Mt 12:43).

When we look at this world it is not about the growing price of gas or food or anything else. It is the time of a spiritual battle. None of us should be afraid to get involved. To bring the change we do not need any violence. We can win by doing good deeds, praying and fasting. Do not give up. With our Lord Jesus Christ we can change this world for the glory of God.

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