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  • ksmarekk

Father's Presence

I frequently look at the Old Testament and question why God didn't talk much to Israel, but rather sent prophets, judges, kings, and angels to bring His message to the Israelites? I think one of the reasons is that while God did speak through others, He was also present there, just in the center of every message.

I think a father is a man present in the center of the most important things. He is an anchor that keeps the family boat safe on the harbor of life. He is just there. He doesn't have to say anything, doesn't have to make anything, and yet everything is done because the father was there. The first lesson of riding the bicycle, first scratched knee, first chores around the house, all of those first moments have such deep meaning if the father is there.

In the past, I've met young people who were missing their own father and it wasn't about what he didn't say, but just the fact that he wasn't there. Father's presence brings internal peace, assurance, integrity and most of all helps us to grow our faith in God.

In this world of noise and business we need fathers to have time to be with their families. I always find hope and joy seeing in the church during the Holy Mass a father holding his child sleeping on his shoulder. This is it. This little child gave his entire life into the hands of his father. The same way we give our entire life to our Father in Heaven because He alway is, and He always is with us.

So today's short lessen is very simple: a man, a father, is a person present in the life of a child.

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