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  • ksmarekk

Fear or Trust

It seems like this COVID is forever. Every day someone tests positive, someone dies, someone goes to the hospital. This very uncertain situation gives fuel to human fear. This is understandable. Nobody can be sure that this virus will not attack any one of us someday.

But there is something about this fear that came along with the virus. It is a different type of fear. Every year we have about 400,000 car accidents in the USA, almost 20,000 are fatal accidents but because of that we do not stop driving our cars. Almost 50% percent of married couples are getting divorced, but we do not stop getting married.

COVID brought a different type of fear. This fear seems to be without hope. Many doctors complain that their patients are not coming for treatment because they are afraid of COVID but at the same time they are going to die because of heart attacks, or cancer, or other types of illness. Some of my colleagues told me that I lost my mind because I went to Poland when it is so dangerous to travel. It amazed me how scared we are.

But then I started to reflect on something else. Most of the world has probably the longest existing peace ever. Europe, Australia, North America, most of South America do not have to deal with any war on their own territory. Advanced medicine changed the life expectancy. We can cure so many illnesses and we can save so many people. We know how to fight for life. We do not wake up in the morning worried about having food. So, life became pretty comfortable. COVID took this comfort away from us. With peace, food, medical support we cannot be sure anymore that we are save. COVID showed us that we trusted the wrong people, the one that cannot give us even one more hour to be alive.

Our ancestors trusted God. My grandparents went through the First and Second World wars, they survived communism, they were not afraid to die. It was God that made them stronger in the most difficult times. I think that sometimes this comfort of life is our enemy. We forget what it means to appreciate the present time, people, moments of joy and that one day we have to go. We want to be here forever and it is not going to happen.

Well, we have to learn how to trust God and be free from this fear. None of us know how long we are going to live so we have to be ready to go every single day. It is better to go through life with trust than with fear. So, trust God and you will see how different you life is going to be.

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