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  • ksmarekk

Fool's Dream

It was December 13th, 1981. I was eleven years old. All the TV channels were shut down. That year it was Sunday and the white snow was already covering the ground. That morning we could only watch one face on TV. It was our general Jaruzelski who said that we have Marshal law and a curfew. That afternoon I heard a noise that was somehow different. Tanks were going on Gdansk. The shipyards were on strike. I remember many women standing on the street and crying. Their husbands and sons were the target. I was lucky. My dad was at home. This was the final step of the socialistic dream - to use the military against their own people.

It was that very day when our government told us that we cannot go for morning Holy Mass at 6:00am because we have to stay at home until 6:00am. Next day, Monday morning, a crowd of people was on the street walking to the Church. That morning Mass there was no space in my 600 year old Church. It was clear, that they could take away food, clothes, freedom on the street, but they couldn't take away God. People didn't care if someday would shoot or not, because what does life mean if there is no freedom?

This year I have deja vu. It is like the situation is repeating itself, but this time it is more clever. This COVID situation is just a cover for something that is underneath. Things are changing quietly. Everything seems to be the same but somewhere under the skin we know that things are not right. The shadow of communism slowly is taking over. Beautiful slogans are shared in social media. Everything is done to help others and to make our life better. The dream is here. Unfortunately this is a fool's dream. And just like eighty years ago it will harvest many human lives.

This "dream" will tell you who are your friends and who is your enemy. This "dream" will teach children how to report on parents and their lack of political correctness. It is probably the last chance to buy history books where we have what really happened. This "dream" using Siri, Alexa or any of their system of spying will make your public image.

I do not know what is at the end but I know that there is no place for God. So, don't be surprised that your children lost their faith in college. Society without God dies in a very painful way. "After Christ, it is no longer possible to idolize society as a collective greatness that devours the human person and his inalienable destiny. Society, the State and political power belong to the changing and always perfectible framework of this world. No plan of society will ever be able to establish the Kingdom of God, that is, eschatological perfection, on this earth. Political messianism most often leads to the worst tyrannies." (St. John Paul II)

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