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  • ksmarekk

Fools' Martyrs

There is something about martyrs that pushes people to follow them. Their bravery, spiritual strength, and clear vision are very attractive. I believe from that was borne our weakness for victims. We are always more compassionate of losers than impressed by winners. But what if this is misused and we are victims of an illusion?

There is not a single person in the last few years who hasn't noticed how many victims we have. It starts at schools, family, then college, the workplace, etc. There are always victims suffering from a lack of justice, a lack of opportunities, a lack of good circumstances. We can multiply those reasons but it doesn't change that there are more and more people blaming parents, schools, society, churches, etc., for their own failure. Of course there are situations when people did everything they could and it didn't work, but I am not talking about those people.

We are living now in a time that you have to be a victim. You have to blame somebody. If there is nobody to blame then you have to blame God. I call those people the fools' martyrs. They want to convince everybody that they suffer because of others. I recently watched a news show from Poland where one of the extreme left activists was throwing herself on the Police just to show how much she has to suffer for freedom. Unfortunately nobody bought it and now she is a reason for ridicule.

Our world has plenty of these fake martyrs, making drama any time for any reason. I don't know why they are doing this, but the worst is that they are able to convince others to do the same. They do not understand that real martyrs do not suffer to impress others. They suffered to be faithful to the truth, to Jesus Christ.

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