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  • ksmarekk

George Orwell - Animal Farm

It has been a long time since I read Animal Farm. At that time I believed that it was about communism. Now, after a few decades I see this book in a different way. It is about totalitarianism which can be on any side of the political spectrum. There is no perfect political system, but there are definitely some systems that are against humanity and the value of a person. It is very unfortunate that in our time we can see this clearly.

Living in our small town, we do not see many of the things that happen just on the other side of the forest. I have some priest friends working on the East coast, in Chicago, and from time to time we talk about what is going on around us. I always seem to be a little bit out of touch. No surprise - i live in a peaceful place. Anyway, we discus our different points of view and recently we are coming to one conclusion: we are all equal but some are more equal.

The sad part is that later on I would talk to my fiends from Europe, Africa, Australia, South America and they would share their concerns about the situation in the USA. Of course I wish that all of us knew at least seven foreign languages. If we could listen to the news in these foreign languages, we would be surprised how the liberal media is presenting the USA and the present situation. Today I talked to my nephew and it was an eye opener. Apparently the European media presents America as the worst place to live. Of course they never mention anything based on actual facts.

I am worried that one day I will wake up and leave my town and then I will notice that I am living in Animal Farm where everything will be shared and beautiful not because it is but because I am told that it is like that. The only thing that would be left for me would be my faith. It would be like stepping into a time machine and moving back 40 years in Poland to a "paradise" created by one people for the other.

I know that many people do not understand what I am talking about. If you would make time, please watch the movie "Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema". It is available on Amazon Prime. Unfortunately, there are only English subtitles.

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