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  • ksmarekk

God Bless America

If you were living on a different continent and read only the public media, you would have the impression that America is a horrible place to be. Nobody respects anybody, slavery is still going on, rich people are stealing from the poor and why would anybody like to be here?

When you move to America this entire picture changes. People are living together, they support each other, if you work hard you can improve your social status, you are free to worship God and everything is based on your choice. You decide if you want more and what direction you would like to go. There are not that many places on earth that you have that much freedom. Of course, to everything you can find exceptions but there are not that many.

I am a foreigner. I didn't come here to get more money. I just came to serve people by proclaiming the Gospel and give the Sacraments. I always wonder why having so much, enjoying so many things there are so many unhappy people. Today I know why. I found the answer. People forgot the most important truth. PUT GOD FIRST.

Here is a link to speech made by Denzel Washington. It should be shown to all high school students.

We are now in difficult times when evil tries to win over good. Satan wants to remove God from our society but he knows that he will fail because we will never give up on God.

God bless America.

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