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  • ksmarekk

Guilty or not

It was a very intense day. I tried to follow the trial of the young man Kyle Rittenhouse accused of murdering three people in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the riots. I cannot say if he is guilty or not because I do not know all the details and I am not a judge. But there is one thing that makes me wonder. What is the meaning of self-defense.

It is a very important question. What is self defense? According to the definition, self-defense is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available in many jurisdictions. The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for people to use reasonable or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life (self-defense) or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.

So do I have a right to defend myself if a group of rioters attack me, when they are burning my car and punching me? Watching this trial I've gotten the impression that, if those rioters are on the correct political side, then I do not have this right. Somehow this basic right of a person to defend himself now depends on what side of politics you are. It makes me sad that my dignity, my rights, my independence, and the most important, my faith actually is in danger because they do not follow political correctness. Am I guilty because I am free in my mind and heart?

I have to say "no". I am not guilty. Guilty is the one who by force tries to intimidate me hoping to scare me. This is not going to happen. If you live in the truth you do not have to be worry because you are not guilty. This is why those who are lying in our public life try to project guilt onto us. Unfortunately it is they who are guilty and they are the ones who will have to answer for why they were lying.

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