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  • ksmarekk

How to leave this world?

Looking at the entire situation with COVID I realized something very important. People are afraid to die. And even more importantly, they do not know how to die.

Death is a very difficult topic in the highly developed countries. When I was in Papua New Guinea I saw many local people dying. They were sad, but it wasn't a tragedy. They were leaving this world in a kind of peaceful way. After I came back to Europe I noticed that there was something missing in our approach to death. We are looking at it as if it takes something away from us. We are afraid to lose, to end, to go to the new place. We have tons of insurance to give ourselves a sense of security. We do everything to prolong our life on earth.

This time with COVID has revealed this even more. People will not leave their houses, will not go to public places, do not visit each other because somebody could get sick and die. It is a little bit sarcastic but we should realize that there are thousands of other illnesses that can cause our death. So maybe the reason for this entire panic is that we do not know how to leave this world.

Just think how much time it takes you to prepare yourself for vacations. It is only two or maybe three weeks away from your home but it might take a few days to get ready. So, how much time did you use so far to prepare yourself to die? Don't be afraid to answer this question. Your vacations can get cancelled because of something but your death will not miss you. Nobody will leave this world alive.

Give yourself time to get ready - regular confession, a deep prayer life, reconciliation with those that have caused a problem in your past and most importantly get to know God and what He told us.

I can promise you that if you will prepare yourself like that you will not be afraid to die. Actually you will be happy to leave this place and go to be with your Savior.

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