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  • ksmarekk

In the name of the Father

I do not know how many of you remember a movie called "In the name of the Father." It was about a father and a son who got arrested in UK accused of a terrorist attack. The son was a young man fooling around, wasting his time, drinking very excessively. His father was a hard working man taking care of the family, trying to teach his son to respect other people. Because of the political issues both of them spent a long time in prison even after it was proved that neither of them were guilty.

During their time in prison, the father prayed every day, respected every single person, corrected his son for his wrong behavior. Unfortunately, after a few years he got sick and finally died. The time of illness challenged his son very much to the point that the son began to understand that he had to change and become a better person.

I like this movie very much for a few reasons. First of all because it shows a strong character of the father. He knows the truth and even the difficult moments couldn't take him away from it. Secondly, because he never gave up on his son, always trying to show him the good path even by sacrificing himself. He didn't please his son, but very strongly corrected all his wrongdoings. His faith made him a very vibrant and clear example of a man rooted in God.

I think our time needs fathers like that, men of strong character who will take responsibility for bringing up their own children in close relationship with God.

We have to pray for our fathers. They are targeted by many evil forces. They need our support and they have to know that we are with them. Satan wants to eliminate them, discourage them from getting involved in the life of their own children, but they cannot listen to Satan. All fathers, you do this job in the name of our Heavenly Father.

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