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  • ksmarekk

Inclusive v. Exclusive

Since I started to learn English I always had a problem with two words: inclusive and exclusive. Somehow my brain had a problem memorizing them with their proper understanding. Anyway, after almost two decades I still have a problem with those words but this time on a little bit of a different level.

I agree that we have to be open and accepting of other people - be inclusive. But at the same time I agree that we cannot accept the wrongdoings of other people - be exclusive. (I am sorry for confusion but now you see how complicated those two words are). For the last ten years these words are part of a big game and together with tolerance and love they created a monster that has nothing to do with the true meaning of those words.

I will use myself as an example to avoid any problems. As a priest I am called to love every single person. I do it because the second commandment said to love your neighbor as yourself. The other person is also created in the image of God so my desire is to bring this image back to God. As you can see I am very inclusive.

But this element of being inclusive has a challenge. Because I love the other person I want for him or her only the best things and the best means to be in heaven. So in loving others I have to point out their wrongdoings called sins. I love the person but reject the sinful acts that person is doing. And here is the catch that Satan is using in our modern world. He changes the meaning of love from desire of good to acceptance of evil. This is the biggest lie of our century - mixing love with tolerance. God is the most inclusive person but He told us that if we do not repent we will go to hell. God never tolerates anybody, He only loves every person.

The saddest part is that this entire inclusive, exclusive tolerance approach replaced the true meaning of love in the Church by a kind of soft theology based on feelings and emotions. "Jesus Christ loves me" - true, but he doesn't love my sins - true.

So now I do not know if I am inclusive or exclusive, but I know that I love God and I want to bring to God as many people without sin as possible.

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