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  • ksmarekk

It's Happening Already

Yes, it is happening already. A Christian college cannot follow the rules of the Bible. A federal judge in Missouri decided that a private Christian college cannot follow the teachings of the Bible and must allow students to share intimate living space with what ever gender they want. By the way it was a presidential order of Joe Biden. Our president is so catholic that he will change the teaching of the Word of God and will create problems for Christians who wants to be faithful to God. Bravo, our world is better already. The next step will be to forbid modest people from covering their intimate parts of their bodies.

It is fascinating how fast all moral destruction is occuring since we have a new president. It is even more fascinating that people blindly agree with everything that is happening. Just recently I read a very interesting article in a Polish magazine about the crisis on the southern border of the USA. When Trump was president all the media was shouting about the terrible conditions of the immigrants, children in cages - by the way those pictures were taken when Obama was president. Today, neither Biden nor Harris are interested in what is going on with all the immigrants. They follow a general rule -- if we do not talk about it then there is no problem and of course all the mainstream media follow the same idea. So even though the mess on the border is bigger than ever it is not an issue any more. We have much bigger problems that our government has to deal with like, for instance, allowing men to use women's showers in Christian colleges.

Today I am asking myself one very important question. Last fall so many priests, and even some bishops, were asking people to vote for democrats. Does this mean that all those people actually approve of these kinds of decisions made by the federal judge or even those made by the president? Does it mean that a Catholic person, morally sensitive, has to accept somebody's wrongdoings? When six months ago I was talking about the disaster of the political views of "democrat candidates" I was told that I cannot look at a few issues only, I need to have a bigger perspective. Today, I am sure my perspective was right, but unfortunately my opponents had a very narrow view.

Nobody has the right to act against human dignity, even the president of the USA, a federal judge, or a liberal priest. This dignity comes from our Creator and there is no power in this world that can change it. So, it is time to say "no" to morally wrong decisions. If we will not speak up now then we will not have freedom tomorrow.

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