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  • ksmarekk

Joy of Killing

It is like Satan is laughing at God.

Just two weeks before Christmas, the lower house of Argentina voted to legalize abortion. The joy on the faces and tears of happiness in the eyes of young people shows us something what we should be very afraid of. It is like they are saying: finally we can legally kill babies, hurray. It is even more scary that it has happened in the country of pope Francis. Having a surreal nativity scene on St. Peter's Square was apparently more important than reaching out to the people of Argentina and show them the moral value of life.

I can almost hear the laughter of Satan. Once more he was able to convince the pseudo - catholic community that the incarnation of God doesn't matter because we want to be gods for ourselves.

I wonder how people in Argentina will sing this year's Christmas Carols. Are they going to recognize Christ or they will stay in line to the closest abortion clinic? Who is going to be in the manger? Christ, aborted babies, or selfish people?

I know that not everyone in Argentina is pro-abortion. I know that this is forced by much bigger organizations than we can imagine. But whoever is behind this definitely is serving Satan.

People of Sodom and Gomorrah also enjoyed their lives. They ate and drank and followed themselves, but one day the heavens opened and it was the end. The same will happen to the western civilization. It will erase itself because Satan never shares his power. But I only hope that when it will happen people will understand that it was their choice. When we say "No" to God, we are saying 'Yes" to Satan. None of us can say that we are indifferent, it wasn't us. The truth is: we are with God or we are against Him.

These tears of joy from Argentina will not last for long. The next tears we will see will be tears of sadness and pain. Unfortunately, God allows us to carry consequences of our choices.

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