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  • ksmarekk

Keep Christ in Christmas

One thing that I noticed after the presidential election four years ago was a different approach to Christmas. I was surprised for years that in the stores, offices everybody was saying "Happy Holidays." After that election I heard people saying Merry Christmas. It was a change the gave so much hope in keeping our tradition.

It is unfortunate how much this world wants to remove Christ from this time. We have Santa, we have red nose Rudolf, we have many other things but it is hard again to see Christ. But Christmas is about Christ. Even more, this feast would never exist if Christ wasn't born.

Yes, there is not much space left for Christ in Christmas. But it can change. It should change. It is our job to bring Christ back to our family traditions. We do not have many decorations in the church, just simple lights on the trees. But as we come closer to our Christian celebration, there is one element coming that explains everything that we celebrate - a nativity scene. Every year I encourage my parishioners to put a nativity scene next to their homes, driveways and any possible place. Christmas is about Christ and we have to tell this to the world. Read the Gospel to your children and tell them about the incarnation of God. Sing Christmas carols with your grand children and friends. Those beautiful hymns are a short catechesis of our faith. Send Christmas cards with the images of the Holy Family.

It is up to us if we want to have Christmas as it is supposed to be. Do not blame others if in the next few years everybody will be saying Happy Holidays again. It will happen if we will not testify publicly about our savior Jesus Christ.


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