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  • ksmarekk

Law From Within

It always amazes me how many different laws we have. There is no part of life that isn't regulated by some law. Sometimes it gives an impression that without laws we would be completely lost. But with this entirely regulated life we have so many difficulties between neighbors, companies, people, etc. So I always ask myself if what we've created works.

There is an important question to ask. What is the difference between the laws men made and the laws given by God. Being sarcastic, I could say that the difference is in the number of pages. But seriously, the difference is in the place where the law is established. Our civil law is done in a room by the lawyers trying to regulate certain aspects of our life to avoid future conflicts. They look at the different possibilities and based on them they try to build some system.

The law of God is different. It is not done in a chamber with lawyers. It comes from God. The source of this law is not a man but God himself who knows the human heart. This is the law from within. You can see this in your life. When something wrong comes to you, you do not have to check in the book to know that it is wrong. This law is imprinted in us with its power and truth. We do not follow this law because we have to, but because we love God.

The Ten Commandments have certain direction that leads us to a better understanding of ourselves. It begins with instructions related to God and then it takes us to the instructions related to our neighbor. We, people who follow this law with a loving heart, are found in between.

I really admire how God so wonderfully showed us all Ten Commandments and us in between.

Next week we will have the first Sunday of Advent. Maybe this year it would be great to look at those Commandments and embrace the love of God that is shared in them. God gave them to us to protect our existence from our own mistakes.

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