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  • ksmarekk

Love Bigger Than Hate

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

I believe every person was born with a desire to do something good. Unfortunately, in time this desire changes under the influence of evil. Small children learn how to lie, later on how to cheat, and it goes on and on. Of course it is not necessarily the main path for everyone, but it is for some. Why? We want good things. We want to love and to be loved, so why would someone pick a way of distraction? For years past, we forgot about the influence of evil. Trying to encourage others to believe in Christ, we forgot about demons. Afraid to scare children we stopped talking about Satan. But he is there with his powers and servants, waiting for his time. I think he is now very active, mostly attacking young people. He gets to them through pornography, through pleasures, through hedonistic desires. Of course he does it with a mask of care and love. And when it is too late then he removes his lies. The young soul is not prepared for this type of battle. Lack of a deep relationship with God makes it so weak and vulnerable. The only help they have are our prayers. We have to pray for our youngest generation. We have to learn how to show them the truth. Our honest faith can save them. I encourage you today to say one decade of the rosary and offer it for our youth.

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